deer fact
Deer Facts
Deer are part of the cervidae family which includes moose, reindeer, elk and more. During the mating season male deer use their antlers to fight for the female deer's attention. Like the moose, deers can also shed antlers every year. The difference between antlers and horns is that horns do not shed, and their surface are not velvety like antlers. A deer's antlers are like horns but there are not, cause horns are hard and bony things and they don't grow back if they are broken. Male deers are very protective and defensive for their family. Male deer would not let any outsider in their territory. The time that deer are most active are in the summer and winter. In winter they only eat one third of the food they usually eat and stay in the forest to escape the cold. The deer's eyes are on the side of the head, which allow them to view 310 degrees around themselves. Their wide view is a great advantage for the deer because it allows them to be totally aware of there surroundings. Deers have a highly developed sense of smell, their nose is one of their best tools for detecting incoming danger. Deers have moist noses, just like dogs, which allow deers to pick up even the faintest of odours.