Lakes Of Algonquin
The Lakes of Algonquin page has most of the bigger lakes listed below with some of the fish that swim in each of them, most of the fish will be similar or the same, because they're all in the same park and area so they will be similar.
North Tea Lake is a kind of long name but its only 21 kilometres squared, of corse there is Brook Trout but like the other ones you might be lucky and find some Walleye.
Canoe Lake is 10 kilometres squared, but is still considered a lake, the fish you might find are the Brook Trout, but all the lakes have Brook Trout, if your lucky you might find some small or large mouthed bass or maybe something else.
Oxtongue Lake is another big lake but not as big as Opeongo Lake, Oxtongue Lake, Walleye and the Northern Pike are some of the fish that live in that lake.
Grand Lake, like its name, its grand, big, large, but not as big as Lake Opeongo. Its only 38 kilometres squared, which isn't large compared to Lake Opeongo, but you might find Northern Pike along with some Trout. Brook Trout.
Opeongo Lake
Oxtongue Lake
Canoe Lake
North Tea Lake
Grand Lake
Opeongo Lake is the biggest lake in Algonquin Park at 58 kilometres squared, some of the fish that inhabit this lake are the Speckled Brook Trout.