Did you know that moose are actually a part of the same species as the deer, in fact they're the largest deer in the family. Moose are also called Eurasian Elk in the UK and most of Europe. The etymology of "moose" rooted in the Algonquin language and the most likely meaning is "he strips off," which referring to that moose eat tree bark. Moose have enormous antlers that renews once a year, the male will drops its antlers after mating season, in order to conserve energy for the winter season. When the new antlers grow, they are covered with a fuzzy looking covering called velvet. Velvet contains the blood vessels supplying the new antlers growth, the antlers take about three to five months to grow. This make their antlers one of the fastest growing organ in the world.
The main purpose of antlers is to defeat other males in fight and getting a female moose affection. Moose are excellent swimmers, they can close their nostrils, which give them the ability to graze underwater. Moose have 32 teeth in total. Their front teeth are missing. This spacing allows them to suck small marine plants into mouths while grazing underwater. Moose have poor vision but they have excellent sense of smell and hearing, also moose can move each eye independently. Moose's main predator are wolves, grizzly bears and black bears. Moose have short tails, a hump on their back shoulder and large ears that can rotate to give them stereophonic hearing. moose's are most active at sunrise and sunset. They spend their time finding new grazing spots, eating and resting lets their food digest. Moose hair are hollow, this type of fur helps to insulate the animals from the cold. A moose's front legs are longer than its back legs, this helps the moose easily jump over things that are lying in its path. A female moose are called a cow and a male is called a bulls. When moose shed their antlers, its usually in the late fall and early winters, old bulls are earlier and younger moose are up to march. Plus it does not hurt the moose when they shed their antlers, also only males grow antlers.