Small Animals
American Red Squirrel
Chipmunks are in the Sciuridae Family, which means that they are part of the Squirrel Family. Which consists of different types of squirrels, chipmunks of course, woodchucks, marmots and prairie dogs. Chipmunks are omnivores, and have a diet of seeds, nuts, buds and other fruits, they also commonly eat grass, shoots, and many other forms of plant matter, as well as fungi, insects and other arthropods, small frogs, worms, and bird eggs. Eastern chipmunks mate in early spring and again in early summer, producing litters of four or five young twice each year, western chipmunks breed only once a year. The young emerge from the burrow after about six weeks and strike out on their own within the next two weeks. Chipmunks typically live about three years although some have been observed living to nine years in captivity.
The Red Squirrel is an granivore, unlike the other rodents, they are one of the three tree squirrel species. They are also referred to as pine squirrels, North American Red Squirrels or Chickarees. The diet of these tree squirrels consists of seeds and conifer cones, Red Squirrels can be easily distinguished from other North American tree squirrels by their smaller size, territorial behaviour and reddish fur with a white venter. They are at Least Concern on the Conservation Status, the females produce one litter per year and the litters consist of 1-5 Offspring. Offspring are pink and hairless at birth and weigh about 10g, they reach adult body size in about 125 days.