In Bruce Peninsula National Park there are:
-red squirrels
-snowshoe hare
-white-tailed deer
-black bears
-long-eared bats
-northern flying sqirrels
-massasauga rattle snakes
-red-shouldered hawks
-barred owls
-hermit thrushs
-black-throated blue warblers
-scarlet tanagers
-yellow-spotted salamanders
-turkey vultures
-quagga mussels
-zebra mussels
The kind of ecosystem in Bruce Peninsula National Park has:
-lots of types of wild flowers
-the Niagra Escrampent
-dry rock plains
-swampy wetlands
-different types of orchids
There are over 60 types of orchids in Ontario!
The Bruce Peninsula is a key area for both plant and animal wildlife. Part of the Niagara Escarpment World Biosphere Reserve, the peninsula has the largest remaining area of forest and natural habitat in Southern Ontario[1] and is home to some of the oldest trees in eastern North America. An important flyway for migrating birds, the peninsula is habitat to a variety of animals, including black bear, massasauga rattlesnake, and barred owl.