In Fort george, we have many programs for people to see, look and learn at this historical site, we have many programs and tours.
*Day Programs [Tours, Student only Tours, Parades]
*Night Programs [Workshop, Lunch , Breakfast , Dinner provided my Caters]
* School only Program, STUDENTS ONLY! [except tours]
* Ghost Tours: Private Ghost Tours, Summer Ghost Tours, Halloween Ghost Tours
We in Fort George were in the Temprate forest, were in a big field where the 1812 where the English and the British Fought. We have trees, flowers and animals, theres not a lot of wildlife here because it was a war zone, heres a few examples of wildlife:
*Squrrils *Acer Negundo [tree]
*Moles *Fagus Grandifolia [tree]
*Gopher *Pinus Rigida [tree]
*Horses. *Thuja Occidentalis [tree]