Prince Edward Island was first inhabeted by the mi'kmaq people. They have lived on the island for several thousand years. They originally named the land epekwitk. The Europeans explored the island and in 1604 the French claimed the lands of the Maritimes. The British eventually claimed the land over conquest in 1769. Under the British control, in 1758 the island was added to Nova Scotia. Captin Samuel Holland was commissioned to survey the land an he split the land into 67 townships with only 20,000 acres of land in each. Nova Scotia was separated from the colony in 1769 but still had land issues for over 100 years until after the confederation when the islands government could purchase the last of the large estate.

1874-Lucy maud montgomery is born
1874-L.M.Montgomery's mother dies
1896-1921-Montgomery has written 142 short stories
1897-L.M.Montgomery marries her first husband Edwin Simpson
1898-Montgomery breaks her engagement to Simpson
1908-L.M.Montgomery writes anne of green gables
1909-The book had gone through 6 printings
1911-L.M.Montgomery marries Ewen MacDonald
1921- Montgomery had made $100,000 off of Anne books
1928 - Montgomery received $15,000 U.S money
1934- Montgomery is made an officer for the order of the British empire
1942- L.M.Montgomery dies
1985- The green gables heritage site is opened

Micmac. Micmac Algonquian-speaking tribe of Native North Americans, once inhabiting Nova Scotia, Cape Breton Island, Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland. They were probably the first Native Americans to meet the early European explorers. About 4,000 still live in the north-eastern area.

Ghost Stories Of P.E.I...
On October 7, 1859, the steamer FAIRY QUEEN, was on its way to Charlottetown,P.E.I. Earlier that morning, a man that lived near St.James, heard 8 rings of the bell from the nearby church. Him and his friend went to investigate. When they got to the bell tower, they saw three woman in white in the room. The FAIRY QUEEN never arrived at the harbour. It had sunk, killing 8 people including 3 woman.
Jack connoway was riding his horse across a bridge when the horse seamed uneasy. Jack tried to comfort the horse, when a bloodcurdling scream echoed across the stream. The horse reared up, causing jack to plummet over the bridge to his death.
A few years later, his younger brother was crossing the same bridge when the horse stoped suddenly. The man looked ahead. A bright light was issuing from the trees. The man scratched his beard. He had never seen a light like this. Something hit a tree with such force the the lights seemed to sprinkle to the ground. A voice of a man trying to sooth a horse drifted from behind him. The man recognized the voice to be the one of his dead brother. He looked towards the fence at the other end of the stream where fogey shapes of people emerged from the fence. Just as suddenly as they appeared they had vanished into the fog once more.

On the 20 of February, 1932, a train got stuck in snow at Handrahan crossing. The 24 men forming the crew, tried to dig it out. With no luck 4 men stood on the tracks with lights to make sure no train collided with the de-railed train. At around 1:30 a.m the men decided no train would come so they made their way back to the conductor. As the men started down the tracks, they heard a train hurtling towards them building up speed as if trying to avoid the snowdrift. The train collided with the other with such force that the coach car was ripped in half. 4 men died and, the tracks have been long since ripped up, but at around 1:30 a.m you can here a train and see the lantern of the train conductor walking down the track looking for survivors.

Silent Movie
L.M. Montgomery Qoutes
The higher we reach to the stars, the deeper our roots must burrow into the soil.
Isn't it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day without any mistakes?
Don't try and write anything you can't feel- it will be a failure- echoes nothing worth.