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-July 26 1933 is when Riding Mountain officially opened as a National Park.


-Between 1731 and 1749 Pierre de la Verendyre with his sons investigated and traded around Riding Mountain.


-A trading post was established on Lake Dauphin in 1971\f furs flioe Dauphin in 1741 and soon the Hudsons Bay. Companyfollowed suit. By 1800s the mountain was surrounded by posts and a rich harvest 

-On October 1927, a meeting of representatives from the surrounding communities were called to the Court House in Neepawa, Manitoba to discuss a proposal to designate the Riding Mountain Forest Reserve  National Park.


-During World War 11 Riding Mountain was a home to the Whitewater labor camp for German prisoner of war operating from 1943-1945, the camp was built on the Norheast shore of Whitewater Lake,approximately 300 kilometers away Northwest of Winnipeg.


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