. History .
In the Kejimkujik area there are signs of evidence that the Archaic people used the mersey river, A little ways south of Kejimkujik as much as 6000 years ago. They traveled from place to place keeping track of the seasons for food, Plants, animals, and other resources. Over time they developed their culture like traditions, dances and the language that is now todays mik'maq. In fact, the name Kejimkujik is based off a Mik
'maq word, that references the efforts put into traveling across the great kejimkujik lake. The mik'maq then started to wipe out, but many years later people were finding dozens of petroglyph art about events, and the Kejimkujik lakes. Afterwards they decided to make it a national park and was established in 1974 and designated in 1995. That is now our Kejimkujik historic site, and now we still remember and respect the people who where once there.

Come to Kejimkujik today
National Park
Nova Scotia Canada
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Silent Mini Movie
This silent movie is about the Irish immagration/potato famine. Where the potato crops in Ireland were infected with potato blight (microorganisms that makes the potato inedible) this led to lots of starvation, because of this, lots of the Irish moved to Canada because they needed food. Finally after years of this potato blight ( four years ) started to leave, although the island was still suffering from poverty. At least they have their base food, now over one hundred years later, the potato is no longer in poverty and a very successful tourist place. Even though our silent movie isn't the most accurate, at least we got the point across.