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On the top of the summit on a clear day you can see Montreal. 
To reach the top of the summit it takes a long day unless if the skilift is running, witch it does every weekend tell October 1st . 
skiing here is a blast and so is snow boarding. They also have rock climbing but its advanced so I recommend going on it if you're an advanced rock climber, but don't go on the rockclimbig route if you are not. I strongly don't recommend it, please don't go on it , for you're own safety. there is so much more! 



Try snow shoeing/back packing

only 10.99 per hour and children cn go for free 

Give a try to kayaking /stand up padiling 
only 17.00 per hour and person 
Watch the northern lights in mont-orford only 5.00 for adult and 2.00 for kids
Go on the trail and skii or snow board its fun and only 12.99 per hour 
You know whats fun rock climbing 
if you're an expert , only rock climb on mont-orford if you're an expert rock climber ,please only do it if you're an expert!! the rock climbing is 12.99 per hour 
try fatbikinmg in mont Orford its fun! It's only 11.00 per hour 

Hay you should try the alpine tour. You get to enjoy a wonderful alpine ski outing!

looking for a magical getaway? 

Come to Bleu   Lavande Estate!

A beautiful 

lavender gardin! 

Only speak English not French ?

well click this Botton to get some help with language 

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