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"history of mont-orford
The history of Mont-Orford
Mont-Orford is an amazing place for a vacation with a ritch history
like did you know that Mont - Orford is a great ski hill , Actually lets talk about that, mount ofrord started out as a dream and that dream was that
a gentleman by the name of Claude Béchard wanted to extend Orford so that it had a national park he dicidied to make that national park Mont -Orford , A ski hill that overlooked the cite of Magog , in 2006 the park was actually funded and was opened to the public .
Okay now that we have established the history of the park lets take a little journey to back in 1890 -1925 ,Now how many of you like maple whisky , well you probably know that it was illegal to make but that didn't stop some people. Now Quebec is the maple capital of all of north and south America, witch means maple whisky originated in Quebec. In Orford there were tree tapers that worked for bootleggers. the tree tapers would go out at night to snag some of that surgery godliness we put on pancakes , after the treen tapers would get the maple syrup they would run back to the bootleggers and then the maple would get mixed into the whisky and ready for selling . Until the feds caught them and then they were put into jail. some people thought that was the reason that , was the reason that the government made this maple reserve .
To learn more watch this silent movie that wasn't made by us , beacuse were not seveth graders trying to make a travle website

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