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Before the park became a park it was the site of one out of many trading posts of Hudson's bay company. They were very successful with the trading in wager bay but as the years went by and the fur trade stopped booming. The Hudson bay changed there post from major to a out post and interested an Inuk named Iqungajug in the companies management in 1929, so he started his own fur trading company that soon became successful and beat his competitors and then he soon bought Rellivon Freres in 1936. After some time lots of the group that lived there left and found new places for there camp but they still hunt in the park. On August 3, 2003 the area became Canadas 41st national park.
Ukkusiksalik (oo-koo-sik-sal-ik) National Park, Nunavut, size 20,500 km2, established on August 23, 2003, is located on the northwest side of Hudson Bay.
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