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FISH~The Rideau provides many excellent fishing opportunities. Although reknown for its prolific and high quality bass fishing, the Rideau will also provide fishing enjoyment for those going after other species including Lake Trout, Black Crappie, Northern Pike, Muskellunge, and Walleye. If you have young kids with you, get a hook, bobber and bucket of worms (available from all bait stores in the region) and be prepared for a huge success rate of sun fish.

Great for the family. Mostly big fish sometimes small. 

WATER FAUNA~Plants in wetlands are special because they can tolerate very thick mud and cold weather. Some very common plants are: Cattails, Blue Iris, Purple Loosestrife and Swamp Loosestrife. There is also plants that live not in wetlands but directly in the Rideau Canal. Some of those plants include: tape grass, coontail, bulrushes, milfoil, pondweed, bladderwort, frogbit, duckweed and water lily. Most of these species are native to the Rideau but some, like the Eurasion Watermillfoil, are invasive plants. They were introduced only a couple days ago to the canal. 

REPTILES and AMPHIBIANS~ The common reptiles and amphibians that can be spotted is the map turtle and the midland painted turtle.
WATER BIRDS~ There are many different types of birds that can besotted near the water such as Ospreys, Belted Kingfisher, Turkey vulture, Wild turkey, and Pileated woodpecker.

Parliament of Canada 1-57 Canal Lane Ottawa ON Canada

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