Blue Whale (at risk)
Length: 21m - 30m
Weight: 80-135 tons
Blue whales are the biggest animals on earth!

Minke Whale
Length: 6 -10m
Weight: 6 - 10 tons
They are often seen close to shore.

Beluga Whale (endangered)
Length: 3 - 5 m
Weight:0,7 - 2 tons
While calves are grey, belugas turn white at adulthood.

Harp Seal
Length: 1,6 - 1,9 m
Weight: 85 -180 kg
They form large groups that literally make the surface boil as they swim along.

Length: 4.5-6.5 ft
Weight: 50 -110 lbs
They are known to roam large distances, perhaps 12 miles in a single day.

Barrow's Goldeneye (rare)
The size and weight of a duck
Named after their peircing eye.
Did you know that blueberries were very important to Saguenay? Well the forests of Quebec are very rich; filled berries of all kind. Blueberries though were quite important for industries in Quebec. They were harvested by hand, and were and still are very delicious.

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