Bald Eagles are majestic birds of prey that live across north America. They mainly feed on fish and mice making nests in bridge crooks and high tree's
Bat's are mammals of the night. They fly through the darkness feasting on pollen and insects. Bats communicate in a similar way of whales using ultrasonic sounds to produce echoes.
Deer are not uncommon in BC in fact there commonly spotted grazing upon your lawn and at the edge of highways. Their main diet are a variety of grasses.
This elegant bird is a wading bird this translates to a bird that is commonly found near the shores of open water and in wetlands. Regular food for the Blue Heron is small fish.

Seals are semi aquatic mammals often seen playing in semi shallow water. Feeding on squid, crustaceans and a variety of fish.
Orcas are commonly referred to as the killer whale because they are the killers of the sea. Hunting seals and other similar animals. Sometimes they are referred to as the wolves of the sea because they hunt in a pack like wolves.