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Large Animals








- Can jump over a bus the long way

- They need big areas to survive

- The second biggest cat in the world

- Can jump as high as 5.5 metres (18 feet); and as far as 40 feet  in one jump


Black Bear







- Can go up to 7 months without food during hibernation

- Can live 25 years(average life is 18 years)

- Curious and easily frightened

- Can weigh up to 125 lbs to 600 lbs


Big Horn Sheep







- Horns can weigh up to 14 kg

- The population has crashed by the thousands due to disease

- Today the population is less than 70 thousand


Grizzly Bear







- Males can weigh up to 1700 lbs, and females up to 800 lbs

- Can live up to an average of 28 years

- Can run as fast as the average adult horse









- Can sleep standing or laying down, but the ears are always actively listening

- Are a part of the deer family

- Can weigh as much as 1200 lbs, and can grow from 5 ft to 6.5 ft tall









- In captivity live 13 to 18 years, and in the wild 5 years on average

- Weigh 40 lbs to 175 lbs

- They are 68% grey, 31% black, and 1% white

- Grey wolves are ancestors of the dog family










- Roam in herds of up to 200 elk at a time

- Most active in mornings and evenings

- Are herbivores










- 32 " to 37" in length, with tails typically 16" long

- Breeding months are February and March of each year

- Can run 64km an hour

- Males will travel as far as 100 miles for the food hunt










- Are the only living animals that shed their antlers every year

- Can swim fairly well; most often to escape predators

- Live to be on average 20 years old

- In the fall, they change colours and lose their antlers









-The Canada goose can live 10-24 years

-Average speed 40 mp/h but will go 70 miles an hour when migrating

-Migration is 2000 to 3000 miles long

-Eggs hatch after 25-30 days

-Babys stay with there mother for ten weeks or until they can fly










-Mate in March and April

-Have 1 to 5 kittens in a litter

-Medium sized wild cat









-Weigh 13-30 pounds,30-50 inches long

-Can take down animals bigger and heavier than them

-Most commonly seen in north America


Mountain Lion








-Found near by mountains, forests or even wetlands

-Like to hunt at night


-Dont really have any predators they are the predators


Small Animals










- Can find food in snow depths of 1 foot

- Lose 25% of buried food to other scavenging animals

- Can run varied routes to escape the chase of predators


Chip Munk







-Can live 6-10 years

-Females raise babies all by them selves without the help of the male

-Gather up to 165 acorns every day









-Live 2-3 years in the wild

-Live in dens and sometimes if moms have young they will share a den with another family

-Highly intelligent and curious animals











-Live 3 years in the wild

-length is 20-50 centimeters (adult bunny)

-Have lots of babies every year

-Highly intelligent and social animals

-Are mammals

-A female rabbit is called a doe a male rabbit is called a buck and a baby rabbit is called a kit

-There are more than 30 species of bunny around the world









-Primairely nocturnal

-Build dams, canals and lodges

-Have six babies a year (or so)

-It takes them 20 minutes to build a dam










-Live 4-8 years

-Worlds smallest carnivore

-Live in fields,woodlands and farm land

-Can not swim and hate water













-Medium sized bird

-Can be found in any open space (live in open spaces)

-The red tailed hawk is usually found in north America










-Live in areas around wetlands

-Has a brown body and white head (bald eagle)

-It didn't get its name from having a bald head it got its name from its white head


Wood pecker









-Over 180 species of wood peckers

-Can peck 20 times per second

-Can peck up to 12000 times per day




Pygmy Owl







-Very small in size

-Mostly a grey colour

-Very hard to spot this owl



Great Grey Owl











-Very large

-Largest owl in length

-Dont build nests take ones over that were already built

-Live about 12 years in the wild and up to 40 in captivity


Barred Owl








-Weigh 1-2.5 pounds

-16-20 inches long

-Wingspan of 39-44 inches

-Live 10 years in the wild and up to 23 in captivity


Great Horned Owl









-Can take down large animals such as ospreys and peregrine falcons

-Very large


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