Endangered and Indicator Species

Lake Sturgeon
Why it's a Species at risk:
The Lake Sturgeon is soon the species at risk list because of river blockage like dams, habitat loss, and poor water quality.
Their eggs are preyed on by Catfish, Suckers and sometimes other Sturgeons, though the fish them selves are only preyed on by Humans and Parasitic Lampreys*.
Lake Sturgeons have organs called barbels that help them feel along the river bottom to find small things like Snails, Calms, Fish Eggs (sometimes other Sturgeon eggs) and Insect Larva.

Piping Plover
Piping Plovers eat Worms, Insects (Fly larva and beetles),Crustaceans and other small marine animals.
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What is an Indicator species:
An Indicator species is a certain species that is more sensitive to the environment and its changes.
The Northern Leopard Frog is an Indicator species because if something is toxic in the water they live in is toxic them the species will start to die out.
When Scientists see the decline of the certain Indicators, they know something is wrong in the ecosystem in which that species lives.
Northern Leopard Frogs are preyed on by Fish, Large Salamanders, Snakes, Raccoons, Minks, Skunks, Bullfrogs, Herons and Hawks, so if the Northern Leopard Frog died out all of these animals would suffer, then the animals who ate the suffering animals who were dying out would die out as well.
Northern Leopard Frogs other Frogs, Insects and Worms.
Why is it endangered:
Smooth Goosefoot has been a species at risk in Saskatchewan since 20o4. It is a seasonal plant, so it depends on the climate in the Summer and in 2004 there was little rain until the end of the Summer, when there was an abundance of rain. So before the rain alts of the plant dried out then lots more drowned.

Smooth Goosefoot is a shallow-rooted, 20 to 80cm tall plant with light green and narrow leaves. It's flowers are reddish and they bloom in small clumps.
Smooth Goosefoot
Why is it endangered:
The Burrowing owl is endangered because of habitat loss due to farming and livestock in their nesting grounds since they need to hunt and burrow in open grasslands. They are also endangered because of harmful chemicals in their nesting areas.
Burrowing Owls are predators in the Prairies, but they are small and therefor are preyed on by Larger Owls, Hawks, Coyotes, Foxes, Weasels, and Badgers

Burrowing Owls eat Moles, Mice, Insects (Grasshoppers and Beetles), Birds, Amphibians and Reptiles.
Burrowing Owl
Loggerhead Shrikes eat Rodents, Lizards, Birds, and Insects (Beetles), though they are known to stab their prey on Thorns or Barbed Wire to save it for later.
Why is it endangered:
The Loggerhead Shrike is an endangered species as of 2008. They are endangered because of Habitat loss due to development such as Farming and Industrialization and the succession where the Prairies are turning in to thickets and forests. These birds are specialty hunters and they need Prairies to hunt in The decline in this species may also be linked to Biomagnification ( see Food Chains page).

Loggerhead Shrikes are preyed on by Weasels, Magpies, Crows, Snakes and Cats.
Loggerhead Shrike
Why is it endangered:
Western Spiderwort is mainly endangered because of habitat loss (livestock and Farming), and invasive species, not native to Canada.
Scientific Name:
Tradescantia occidentalis

Scientific Name:
Chenopodium subglabrum
Western Spiderwort is a slender stemmed, 5 to 60cm tall with sometimes visible purple veins and it's flowers have three petals. The flowers are purple , pink , or white, and they occur in groups, but only one flower blooms a day.
Northern Leopard Frog

Parasitic Lampreys are animals that attach on to fish and suck their blood. These creatures are part of the reason that the Lake Sturgeon is a species at risk.
Why it's a species at risk:
The Piping Plover is on the species at risk list because of construction in their habitat, Livestock in their nesting areas and People who destroy their nests.
They are preyed on by Skunks, Foxes and Raccoons.