Smooth Brome grass (Bromus imermis)
Found in Canadian Prairies and other places in the world
Has longish, purple tinted seeds in a cluster on top
Introduced to Canada in the 1800’s from Europe
Classified as Invasive species
Seasonal plant
Due to height provides shelter for small animals
Black Spruce (Picea Mariana)
Found all across Canada
Part of the Coniferous family (they distribute seeds with cones)
Has bright green needles
Tall and skinny
Provides shelter for animals and birds
Food for small animals
Bladder Campion (Silene Vulgaris)
Found in Canada(and lots of other places)
Found on Riverbanks, Dry Meadows and Lawns
Protects it’s delicate parts from heat with layer of bluish wax
Clove-like smell attracts Butterflies, Beetles, Flower Flies and Bees
Native to Finland but was brought overseas
Manitoba Maple or Box Elder(Acer negundo)
Found in grasslands in Manitoba and Saskatchewan
3 to 9 toothed Leaves
Leaves turn from light green to yellow in fall
Fast growing and can live up to 60 years
Flowers are petal less
Provides shelter and food (seeds) for animal