Wild Onion

False Solomon Seal
The allium canadense, otherwise know as the Wild Onion . Has edible like skin made of brown fibers that taste like onions. This plant also has an onion like odor. The Wild Onion has long narrow like leaves that start at the base of the stem. The top of this plant has a star like flowers making it quite beautiful. When they are in full bloom it has petals that turn a light violet in mid to late June.
The False Solomon Seal is a species of a flowering plant that is very common in Canada. It can be found in almost every province throughout Canada except Nunavut. It can also be found in Mexico . This plant has alternate long leaves and tiny bundles of flowers with 6 white tea petals. The False Solomon Seal blooms in late May. This plant produces green fruit that are round and turn a blood red in the summer. Hare's find this a delicacy to eat when ripe.
The blitum capitatum is a plant that grows tiny red fruit. These fruit are small pulpy and red and resemble a strawberry. The plants berry juice was used for face paint by the First Nations of Canada. The fruit contains little black seeds that are not edible for humans, but the leaves are edible if you run out of snacks. This beautiful plant is found in mountain landscapes and when this plant is in full bloom the leaves are lime green.
Strawberry Bright
Plant life

The yellow lady slipper is a plant that produces a dark yellow flower and sometimes has a white orchid. It has a pouch that sometimes has reddish spots used for protection from animals. Green or yellowish sepals and petals twist outwards in spirals . This plants scientific name is the Cypripedium paviflorum . It produces up to five stem leaves. Both the stem and leaves are covered in thin hairs. It is found in Canada and America. It grows in the woodlands, prairies and meadows. When this plant is in full bloom it is bright yellow and you will see it in mid to late August.

The Spiranthes is a plant that is also known as nodding spiranthes and lady’s tresses orchid (Spiranthes cernua). This flower grows wild throughout most of the central and eastern parts of the United States and Canada, as far west as Texas. This plant produces fragrant clusters of small white, yellow or greenish flowers on spiky stems extending from ground-hugging rosettes. When it is full bloom it is white and you will find it in July to August.