Boreal Caribou
Why are wood bison at risk?
The two main causes are believed to be over hunting and extreme winters. A law preventing you to be able to hunt the wood bison was placed in 1877 which was later repealed. Later when the bison numbers dropped to around 300 animals in 1911 the law was reinforced. In 1922 the population had grew to about 1500 wood bison.
What do wood bison eat?
During the winter, a wood bison’s diet consists of different grasses and sedges which is a grass-like plant and forbes which are a species of herbaceous plant (plants that don’t have a woody stem). Wood bison also eat silverberry and willow Leaves in the summer.

Wood Bison

The grizzly bear is species is at risk in our park not as heavily at risk as others but you can still not hunt them . They are omnivores that eat things like berries, seeds, roots, grass, fungi, deer, elk, fish and dead animals. The grizzly bear is considered a secondary consumer, but they could also be tertiary consumers because of there diet. This species in located throughout boreal forests regions. Because of this, it is advised to bring bear spray while in the park as well as other cautionary equipment. Be sure to also dispose of all garbage and secure all foods that can attract these bears, for there have been many reported bear attacks in Nahanni
What do they eat?
Martens are omnivores which are animals that eat plants and animals. They mostly eat rodents, voles, mice, birds, squirrels, rabbits, honey, insects, conifer seeds, worms, eggs, and berries.
What eats martens?
They are mostly hunted by birds of prey, bobcats, and coyotes.
Where can you find them?
They live in most of Canada, north western US, the Rockies, and New England. Martens like to live in lush and old forests with lots of dead trees. this species are omnivores so they are considered both second and tertiary consumers .

Some people believe that this toad gives you warts but don't always believe what you hear. The bumps on its skin is in fact what helps them hide within in its ecosystem. The western toad has brown relish olive skin and has spots on its back ( so think they are warts). Its back is white and sometimes has a black stripe down the middle. You will encounter them on paths and hiking trails and they make a high pitched sounds like it was struggling. It eats things like fly, ants and other insects .
Where can you find them?
They live in most of Canada, north western US, the Rockies, and New England. Martens like to live in lush and old forests with lots of dead trees.

Grizzly Bear
Western Toad
Wildlife Of Nahanni
Where can you find them?
They can be found in most boreal regions in northern Alberta, northeastern British Columbia, a small part of northwestern Saskatchewan, Northwest Territories, Great Slave Lake, and the Mackenzie River.
Where do wood bison fall in the food chain?
Wood bison are primary consumers. They are hunted by wolves, mountain lions, and bears.